Hopkins-Trained Pain Expert

We are here for you.

We offer the most advanced, effective interventions for our patients to provide relief. Find out if you can benefit from our state of the art treatments today.

Dr. Anita Gupta is a Double Board Certified Pain Physician and Anesthesiologist with over 20 years of healthcare experience using minimally non surgical, effective treatment now accepting patients.

With a compassionate approach and uncompromising dedication to patient care, Dr. Gupta can help you find the relief you deserve. Through a combination of innovative treatments and comprehensive pain management strategies, she will work closely with you to uncover the root cause of your pain and develop a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs.

Whether you suffer from chronic pain, acute injuries, or postoperative discomfort, Dr. Gupta's cutting-edge techniques and multidimensional approach will provide the relief you've been searching for. Don't let pain hold you back any longer—trust Dr. Anita Gupta to help you reclaim a life free from unnecessary suffering.


Our Services



Spinal Cord Stimulation

Radiofrequency Ablation

Sacroiliac Joint Stabilization

Back Pain and Neck Pain

Migraine Pain

Shoulder and Knee Pain

Botox for Chronic Migraines

Joint Pain